The Zeus Arc GT is a supercharged, light-weight dry herb vaporizer, providing unmatched vapor production with its unique gold chamber and gold vapor path. Engineered in Germany, the Zeus Arc GT is not lacking horsepower, hidden beneath the small chassis is an accelerometer, built-in multi-tool, three temperature cycles, USB charging and upgradeable firmware. The Zeus […]
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The Yocan Evolve Plus XL features a quad quartz coil design for maximum vapor production and also includes a 1400mah battery with a built-in dual compartment silicone jar making it extremely versatile and pocket-friendly. If you are looking to maximize your draws and get big clouds then the Yocan Evolve Plus XL is for you.
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Berry G 33 – bringing you the indica that you’re looking for, but with enough oomph to keep your eyes open. This Gelatti cart, a cross between Gelato and OG Biscotti, runs high in pinene, myrcene and limonone for a relaxing and introspective vibe. Made for the masses, General Admission vapes use ethanol extraction to […]
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Our Pineapple Dream cart is an ode to that deliciously sweet, refreshing, frozen pineapple treat from back in the day. Picture aromas of sweet, juicy, freshly cut pineapple, plus green melon. On the palate it’s slightly acidic, round and creamy. Made for the masses, General Admission vapes use ethanol extraction to concentrate strains into THC […]
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The battery-powered Crafty is, without a doubt, the perfect companion on the go. While the Crafty’s factory settings are already optimal for immediate use, the Remote Control App for Android and iOS lets you select various settings according to personal preferences.
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Yocan Evolve Plus XL Quad Quartz Replacement Coil
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The Yocan Magneto Vaporizer is an all-in-one wax pen with unique characteristics–it features no threading, only powerfully convenient magnetic connections, and a built-in, non-stick concentrate jar. The magnetic attachment points enable you to load and clean the Yocan Magneto Vaporizer in a quick and easy manner. A functional coil cap (also magnetically connected) prevents waxy […]
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The Yocan Magneto Vaporizer is an all-in-one wax pen with unique characteristics–it features no threading, only powerfully convenient magnetic connections, and a built-in, non-stick concentrate jar. The magnetic attachment points enable you to load and clean the Yocan Magneto Vaporizer in a quick and easy manner. A functional coil cap (also magnetically connected) prevents waxy […]
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Yocan Evolve-D Plus (Dry Herb) Replacement Coils – Dual Coil
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Emptying your taster has never been easier with the innovative RYOT Aluminum Spring One Hitters. Pack your bowl as usual and press gently down to enjoy a mid-smoke stir. Then, press fully to eject the ash when you’re finished. At 3 inches long, these one hitters are compatible with all RYOT Large Magnetic Dugouts and […]
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Emptying your taster has never been easier with the innovative RYOT Aluminum Spring One Hitters. Pack your bowl as usual and press gently down to enjoy a mid-smoke stir. Then, press fully to eject the ash when you’re finished. At 3 inches long, these one hitters are compatible with all RYOT Large Magnetic Dugouts and […]
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